
Sewing 101: Fender Covers

What do ex-cruisers buy once they’ve returned to land and have a steady income?  Sewing machines, of course!  We attended the Annapolis Sailboat Show and spoiled ourselves by buying all the awesome stuff we wished we had while cruising :)  It was a pathetic form of self-indulgence, out of depression from not cruising this year, but we are determined to put our impulse buys to good use.

Me, kinda' excited about my new toy :)

Me, kinda’ excited about my new toy :)

I broke in my new Sailrite by making fender covers for our old, beat up fenders.  We found that our dirty fenders would mark up our gelcoat and we did not have much success cleaning them, so fender covers were added to our wish list.  Back in Ft. Lauderdale, we hit up a very cool place called Sailorman, which is essentially a thrift store for boat parts.  They were having a super sale and we found some GIANT, I mean GIANT, brand new fender covers for like, $5 a pop.  We figured we could slice ’em up and make covers that fit our itty bitty fenders.  And thats just what I did.


Jake in Ft. Lauderdale at Sailorman.

This is how big the fender covers were.  That's me, inside the fender cover!

This is how big the fender covers were. That’s me, inside the fender cover!

It was an easy job for the most part, except the material was really stretchy so it was hard to line stuff up.  I think they turned out “good enough,” as we like to say, and I got to know my new Sailrite :)  My next project will not be boat related at all, but will put her to good use.  Stay tuned.


Pinning and a cameo of a cat foot.


So far, totally lives up to the hype :)


Of course we go the hot knife too.



In other news, we will be sailing Journey north tomorrow to prepare for her haul out on the 26th of November.  Sigh.  One year ago today we were anchored in the Pungo River Canal.  Sigh, again.